Spending an afternoon relaxing and playing on your dock is one of the best things about owning a lake home, so it is important to know how to keep yours well-maintained and safe for you, your family, and your guests. Below are some tips to help keep your dock functioning as a staple of what you love about your lake home.
The Dangers of ESD
Electric Shock drowning (ESD), also known as the “Silent Killer”, is an unfortunately common occurrence which many lake homeowners have never heard of. ESD is caused by electrical current in the water, often emitted by a dock’s electrical system. The electrical current is silent and invisible, and can cause paralysis while swimming, ultimately resulting in drowning.
Click here for more detailed information on ESD from Boat US Magazine and the Electric Shock Drowning Prevention Association.
This is not an advertisement and I am not being paid to promote these products, I just strongly believe that all dock owners should invest in them.
It is extremely important that an annual inspection is done by a licensed electrician. Also, there are safe and affordable ways to protect you and your loved ones from ESD. Shock IQ is an electric shock safety system which can detect stray electrical current around your dock. If electrical current is detected, Shock IQ initiates an alarm and immediately shuts off power to the dock. The system also features a battery backup for additional peace of mind. You can find more details on their website, by clicking here.
Life Vests Save Lives
To prevent accidental drowning, make sure children are attended and life vests are worn at all times. Children should always wear life vests on the dock, on the boat, or anywhere near the water. Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death in children ages 1-4. Other important statistics, and more information for keeping children safe in the water can be found by clicking this page from Safe Kids Worldwide.
Dock Security
Additionally, a dock security system can offer homeowners specialized security cameras and sensors to prevent theft. These systems come equipped with software to detect specifically human activity in and around your dock, which prevents unwanted alerts from simple water movement. These sensors also offer the ability to autonomously monitor the water level, and notify you if your dock position needs to be adjusted. Dock IQ can be purchased separately or together with the Shock IQ product. It includes the aforementioned security cameras, sensors, alarm, and an app that allows you to be notified if anything unusual is detected by the systems. The benefit of Dock IQ and Shock IQ is peace of mind and safety no matter where you are. For more information on Dock IQ click here.
Protect Your Boat
Secure lines from your dock to your boat, even when your boat is on the hoist. Boat lifts often fail, and without proper backup dock-lines, your boat can be set into the water and allowed to float away from your dock. This is not only an obvious safety concern, as a boat adrift in darkness is virtually invisible, but it can also cause major damage to your boat if it drifts onto rocky shorelines or other obstacles.
Storm Safety
Close sun umbrellas and secure any furniture, rafts, floats, and water toys. Thunderstorms often form quickly and can cause heavy rain and damaging winds, especially on the water. Be sure that when your dock is not being occupied that your items are properly put away or strapped down in a protected part of the dock.
Tied Up Tight
Check the cables which secure your dock to land regularly. Floating docks are often found drifting around after storms. This is usually due to lines coming loose during a storm or water levels changing. Schedule a day to inspect your dock lines every month to avoid cable or anchor failure.
I hope that this blog has helped you understand ESD and the importance of dock safety. Who knows, maybe it will save a life. Bookmark my page and check back regularly for more regular tips like these, and incredible lakeside properties and beautiful luxury homes!